Showing Up To What Happens

We arrived at the party, and within 20 minutes, our eldest, who we thought already cleared the stomach virus 2 weeks ago, suddenly became very very nauseous.

What was going to be the end of our exciting Christmas sick time turned into alternating between hanging out with her in the bathroom (amazingly, no puke – even during/after 45 minute drive home) and trying to wrangle the kids so we could leave early (while also grabbing some food ourselves because we had zero plan for dinner other than this party we had brought food to).

As I drove home, I felt happy.

I wasn’t particularly disappointed. I wasn’t sad. I hadn’t gotten what I had wanted, but that was alright. I was ready for the changing situations.

Perhaps the biggest thing I am getting out of this coaching is rediscovering the joy of showing up to whatever happens and doing what you can do with it, without having to have the outcomes go a particular way.

The things that happen are just things that happen. We choose what meaning we give to it.

[ We can’t choose what things intrinsically mean. That’s up to God. We can choose what meaning they will have to us. And we could be missing the meaning God even intended for us, because that meaning may be offered, but we still have to see it and choose it for ourselves. ]






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