Who do you need to be in order to do that?

I’ve been considering this question with a new lens.

Sometimes, who we need to be in order to accomplish our goals is someone quite different than who we are now.

I personally would love to be able to flip a switch internally and suddenly act out of a new way of being.

But this is not how things are.

Things are more nuanced. The switch can flip, but the actions must be taken to create the person you need to be, and that creation happens through habit formation. It happens from the choices we make every day that reinforce and form that new way of being.

It’s not just thinking. It’s not just action.

It’s the embodied expression of your ideals – which happens through the actions we take in our life.

It’s living our ideals in our day to day life and in our obligations.

And it’s making the decisions that create new trajectories. But we still have to walk those paths.

There’s no magic, only possibility. But the creation of possibility can itself seem like magic, because it animates all sorts of exciting new actions in our life.






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