Adding Weight

Doing the reps of keeping commitments is giving me a platform to do more things.

There is still some real hesitation in turning certain action items into commitments, however, because I know I will have to do them.

In this way, I’m like the guy going to the gym who only does the easy exercises, and I am not really putting more weight on the bar.

What’s an area I could put some more weight on the bar? How could I accelerate? How can I create focus?

Where am I holding back? Where am I delaying action?

I am attacking too many simultaneous projects. I’m allowing myself to get overwhelmed because I am interleaving planning and execution a lot. And then I’m not being realistic about the demands on my time that my normal work schedule creates.

But on the other hand, I find that when I get focused, I get through a ridiculous amount of tasks in a day, and things keep moving forward, despite the occasional feeling of chaos.

How do I come from a place of focus and clarity more often?

I need to get laser focused on my actual deliverables, instead of on all the things I made up that are between me and my goals.


  1. Create a consulting client
  2. Sell a thing online
  3. Get weights out of my workshop

What are the next steps?

  1. Invitations or referrals for conversations
  2. Send out coupons to people who liked or reposted my post
  3. Tear down the fence

Can I commit to those things?

Yes. I will break them down into achievable incremental steps tomorrow and make commitments to do each one.






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