Actions We’re Taking

So I realized yesterday that this blog probably feels like a lot of navel-gazing over the last week or so, as I haven’t been sharing anything I’ve been working on.

And that’s because we’ve been blogging about our experience of what we’re doing.

You might be tempted to think that all we’ve been doing is navel-gazing, since that is most of what we’ve been producing as content.

So I wanted to report on the actual actions we have been taking.

I scheduled another call with the VP of Engineering to make sure I will be able to use experience and IP I develop working with teams here if and when I move on.  If not, I guess I am going to move on a lot sooner and find another way, because I am not willing to give up on this dream.

I set up a meeting with a contact who was CTO of a company so I can validate some ideas, and ask some questions.

I noticed that nobody responded to my original email that I sent out about doubling team performance.

I pulled a list of measurements for the software performance consulting so I can start with my own team.

I got feedback from another friend who was VP of Engineering on my pitch ideas, and the concepts, and found some unexpected resistance to some of my ideas, which was really valuable.

We came up with an e-commerce idea I love, and we came up with 50 ideas for initial products we could sell, and I looked up pricing information and how we can make it easily (and have an idea to execute on all the marketing).

All in all, I have not been doing nothing, but I am going to be honest – are these activities real progress, or just the illusion of progress?

What can I commit to that would be a quantum difference?

Maybe just moving the e-commerce into reality by setting up the stores and production relationships and automations and social media, which will be a good jumping off point for at least 2 business ideas?

If I can get confirmation that I’ll be able to keep the performance consulting IP as my own, then I will be off to the races in my current job.

So those are the 2 big things I can do to move it forward.  

Let’s go!






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