Author: mr
Fear and Loathing
What are you afraid of? Do you even have the courage to find out? Do you secretly hate yourself for cowering away from what you’re really going after? If the answer is yes, you’re not alone. I recently had a great call with my coach, where I asked him, based on what we’ve been looking…
Love the Climb
If you can’t reward your brain for your daily activities, but only focus on the eventual results of your efforts, you’re going to burn out. If you aren’t getting a reward from the actions it takes to succeed, then you will not enjoy it, and your motivation will require more and more willpower. Somehow, you…
Getting to clarity
Will my current job become a client? What can I expect there? What will I be able to get? As I’ve been having bolder conversations and asking for what I want, I haven’t been getting completely rebuffed. But I also wonder if it’s because a clear yes or no could risk me as an employee.…
Holding yourself accountable
Am I really serious about reaching my goals? Do I have an idea of what I actually need to be doing by any given time? Am I clear? Do I actually reference these things? No, I generally avoid looking at progress if I’m afraid it’s going to “make me feel bad” about how things are…
When nobody probably reads your blog, you don’t really feel that obligated to keep writing. Who cares if I do or don’t? The answer ought to be: I do. I write for me, to work things out, and to share what I learn. All of this writing clarifies my thinking, and creates a record of…
Things are hard
There’s a strong temptation to give up your agency, and wallow sometimes. Where’s it from? Not God. Praise the Lord for a good wife who helps me give up my BS.
What am I doing now?
Seriously. When your goals occur to you as basically insane, how do you move forward? The answer is – you don’t. Or – you do. But does your moving actually accomplish those goals? That depends on what you do. But what you do depends on how things occur to you. So it’s very likely, if…
What you say No to
I have too many Yeses in my life. This is why progress is slow. Where’s the obsession? The one singular thing I’m driving at? I tell my team this in lots of contexts… focus beats no-focus. Let’s do fewer simultaneous things. But then I don’t live it everywhere. I let the little tasks pile up,…
No Fun, No Wins
Well, no wins in relation to our goal of paying off debt. Tons of wins on the personal growth level. Lots of action. Lots of scary things. But I’m still relating to most of it as pushing myself, and myself has been getting burned out a bit lately, with all the things going on that…
Anybody seen my wife?
She used to post on here sometimes. If you see her, let her know I still love her, and would love her to come back to our blog.
Flailing or Plodding
For a few days, I’ve been a bit worked up. Things are crazy and nothing seems to be working. The question is maybe “What am I getting out of that?” The answer? I want to rest. I want to take a break and give myself some recharge. But I’ve never related to work as something…
You can’t play it until you hear it
Many years ago I was a piano major at Oberlin Conservatory. I was a very good student; not outstanding, but very good. And I very much wanted to study with one teacher who was undoubtedly the best. He’d take ordinary students and turn them into fabulous pianists. Finally I got my chance to study with…
Reminder: Stop Stopping
It’s one of those days where I want to just quit everything. I’m tired, sick, and overall not in a positive frame of mind. Nor do I really want to be. Things are not going how I’d like them to go, etc etc. If you’re not always taking the most comfortable option in life, this…
I did a couple things that sounded scary. I am trying to open up conversations with a few more people in the organization, who are important and have big titles. Because if I do that, and I start to get results, it will open up conversations that might get me where I want to go.…
How tired do you say you are?
Something I’m wondering about – when you are feeling physically exhausted – how much of that is what you say to yourself? If I stop saying “I’m tired” and “I’m exhausted”, how much of an impact will that have on my experience, and thus my behavior, and how much of that new behavior will actually…
Stop Faffing About
It’s British. It only sounds dirty. To be honest, it might be, because you know those British. “If you say that someone is faffing about or faffing around, you mean that they are doing things in a disorganized way and not achieving very much.” – is what the internet says this means. What’s the confront? (to…
Can you trust yourself?
I created some agitation and franticness for myself this week. When I sat down to reflect on it, I realized I didn’t trust myself to keep up an effort without a massive motivating force, a massive scary terrorizing thing that you have to run from. In my earlier years, it was poverty – I didn’t…
Learning to Coach – 2 Session Retrospective
So in an attempt to learn some skills I could use in service of my consulting venture (i.e. transforming organizational performance) I decided I would try coaching someone I knew. First session – great. Second session – not great. In fact, the feedback during the second session was that we spent a ton of time…
What are you resisting?
I realized this morning, as I was having a sort of frantic feeling about some of the endeavors that I’m doing, that I believed that I had to struggle against failure. Or struggle against my dreams not becoming real. But what you resist persists, psychologically speaking. If I am fighting against thinking about snacking, I…
What activity leads to success?
What business are you in? What’s the thing that actually creates the value and captures the value? What’s your sales funnel? How do you get things moving through your system? Without knowing that, you might be doing a lot of work that’s besides the point.