Author: mr

  • Adding Weight

    Doing the reps of keeping commitments is giving me a platform to do more things. There is still some real hesitation in turning certain action items into commitments, however, because I know I will have to do them. In this way, I’m like the guy going to the gym who only does the easy exercises,…

  • New Year: Stop Stopping

    In Straight Line Leadership, Dusan Djukich says a way to increase your effectiveness is to just stop stopping. As we go through this difficult time, of stomach flus, bronchitis, etc, and now the wife seems to have a mild case of pneumonia (she’s heading to urgent care this morning to find out, b/c it’s New…

  • Showing Up To What Happens

    We arrived at the party, and within 20 minutes, our eldest, who we thought already cleared the stomach virus 2 weeks ago, suddenly became very very nauseous. What was going to be the end of our exciting Christmas sick time turned into alternating between hanging out with her in the bathroom (amazingly, no puke –…

  • Commitments – Doing the Reps

    While I have at certain points felt like the commitments I’ve been making were burdensome, I am starting to notice something else. I am trusting myself more and more to do what I say I will do in the future. Which means when I make a plan to do something, I can see that I…

  • Again?

    My 6-year old son just threw up again, after 2 days clear. Perhaps it’s the tail end? Or he got too stoked about food before his body was ready? Other again… So all this second-guessing and doubt keeps coming up with the coaching and the process. I finally found a big source of it. It…

  • Stomach Flu; Recovery

    Okay, so all this stuff I’ve been reading and working on about thoughts and choosing how you want to be in any given situation. I still threw up about 2 liters on Christmas Eve. As it turns out (as I mentioned in a previous post about what it means to choose your identity), reality is…

  • At least we went to bed early

    I finally decided it was time to get my sleep balanced, and try to be more healthy with my bedtime habits. Toddler created phenomenal amounts of vomit at about 12:30pm, necessitating us both being up, cleaning up puke. The solids I had to get off the blanket clogged the tub drain (why was I using…

  • Missed A Day; 3 Laws of Performance

    Missed yesterday. Oops. I bought The Three Laws of Performance because the synopsis of the book itself was so good. There is so much more in it than I expected. What’s especially interesting is how central a role language has in everything humans do (or don’t do), even the things in our subconscious. As a…

  • BSing yourself

    I thought I had pretty high integrity because I never committed to things I wasn’t 100% sure I could do. All of my commitments came with little disclaimers, which were basically to say “I can’t predict the future”. That’s fine, except it also means my commitments don’t count for much. I am not telling anyone…

  • Wasting Time / Not Having Enough Time

    If I’m honest about how I spend my time, I would actually realize that I could have done maybe 2-4x more in a given day than I actually do. The problem is not time. It is focus. It is avoidance. How much time is spend chasing dopamine, avoiding uncomfortable feelings? Today, a lot. What am…

  • Radical Honesty

    Shockingly, my son told me, when I asked him why he didn’t hear what his mother told him to do, “I don’t like to listen. I like doing what I’m doing” If only we were that transparent with our motivations, perhaps we’d get somewhere. I’m working on creating a social media presence. It’s tedious and…

  • You contribute to the situation you say you don’t want

    We complain over here a lot. About how our house is a mess, and our yard is a mess. To be fair, our kids are harbingers of chaos. They seem to break everything, and they don’t respect the rules. Who’s raising those kids, anyway? …. Let’s not point fingers here… The point is, all the…

  • Sick

    Everyone has gotten sick over here over the last few weeks. But we’re still chugging along. Much less self-pity and making it into a thing this time. But we’re a bit too much on the busy side.

  • Play to Win

    Are you playing to win, or just playing around? I realized I am not really playing to win with either of my businesses. I’m still going in circles doing the least important things (pretending they’re necessary precursors). There are so many times we’re just doing things to make it look like we’re committed. If we…

  • Choosing Your Identity

    To me, the idea of “choosing your identity” always felt new-agey and inauthentic How can you decide who you are? You were given to yourself as a gift by God. You are who you are. When my coach kept asking me “Who are you committed to be?” and similar questions, I wasn’t really sure how…

  • Where are you coming from?

    “What’s the place you’re coming from?” “How are you existing?” “What’s your inner stance?” I had thought that I was understanding these questions and the distinctions they’re pointing to, but now that I’m doing stuff, I’m realizing… I don’t think I am. I led a team exercise today, in which my manager did not participate…

  • Nothing Worked Today

    I got some great feedback from my semi-checked-out about-to-leave colleague, who does not appreciate me challenging his cynicism directly. Basically, stop being pushy with the advice. I think this is likely good advice, and I am taking it at face value, even though I find this particular coworker to be someone in tons of need…

  • Customer Expectations

    Today, at the Coffee Bean, I ordered something. There was a price. It said $3. The register said $3.75. I pointed this out. Instead of offering it to me at the listed price, they asked if I still wanted it. I did, but what I wanted is for them to honor their advertising. Or take…

  • Meta’s not my friend (and is the worst)

    As I was describing how Facebook hates me to a friend, I tried to log into my instagram account to get started on an ad campaign, only to have Meta hate on me some more, trying to do the exact same thing again. Somehow I convinced the platform I’m a bot or something, because it…

  • There’s no time

    I can’t do this because it will take too long, and there are so many items on my list. Let’s see if there’s an easier task on there. Oh no, that one looks like it will take focus, and I don’t have focus right now because there are too many items on my list. Oh…